What is Amla Fruit? – Amla Green

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When it comes to improving your health, you’re probably willing to do almost anything.

You would do whatever exercise you need too … eat whatever foods you should eat … and do whatever techniques is recommended, if it’s going to get you closer to your goal.

Am I right?

Well, there is one simple thing you can do—right now—that could dramatically improve your health and get your closer to reaching your goals.

And that would be to eat Amla at least two to three times a week.

And if you are asking what that is, let me tell you first and foremost, it’s one of the strongest, most powerful foods on the face of the earth.

It’s considered by many to be the “king” of whole-food antioxidants, making it stronger than most of the popular superfoods you’re accustomed to hearing about.

But what exactly is Amla fruit?

Introduction to Amla 

Amla, which is often referred to as Indian gooseberry, Amalaki (in Sanskrit or even by its scientific name, Phyllanthus Emblica, may contain powerful antioxidants that could improve your health.

This potent little green berry may do everything from lower your cholesterol and blood sugar to protecting skin and strengthening hair.

It’s mainly grown in India, the Middle East, and other southern Asian countries, making it extremely difficult to find fresh Amla or even juice in the US.

Although it’s very powerful, there may be only one issue with this tiny, green berry that may turn you away:

It’s often reported to be very sour or bitter, which could be from the high concentration of vitamin C found in the berry.

That’s why people in India often add salt and cayenne pepper, in order to make it more palatable.

As tradition holds, Amla has been a staple on Ayurvedic medicine, dating back nearly 5,000 years.

And thanks to its robust nutrient profile, Amla may add some pretty impressive benefits to your health.

The Nutrition Profile of Amla:

Amla fruit is very low in calories, high in fiber, and packed full of vitamin C, making it a perfect food for boosting weight loss, or even helping with meal satisfaction.

Besides the high vitamin C concentration, Amla may also help you meet your daily requirements of vitamin A, manganese, and potassium.
Sounds great huh?

In 100 grams of Amla, you’re going to get:

• Just 44 calories
• 10.2 grams of carbohydrates of which 4.3 grams of that is fiber
• 0.9 grams of protein
• 0.6 grams of fat
• 27.7 mg of vitamin C
• 198 mgs of potassium

As you can see, you’re getting a whole heck of a lot of nutrition when you eating fresh Amla fruit.

So what benefits could you see by eating more Amla fruit?

The Health-Boosting Benefits of Amla

As you now know, Amla may be the mecca for improving your health and warding off chronic diseases.

But what you may not realize is the impact Amla could have on your health. 

Some of those Amla benefits may include:

1. Protects Your Liver

Your liver is one very important organ.  It performs thousands of functions each day, all designed to keep you healthy and eliminate toxins that could make you sick.

Your liver is also responsible for the production and secretion of bile, which helps to digest fat and prevent that fat from being stored in your liver or other organs.

Studies show that Amla may protect this vital organ, by increasing the antioxidant levels in your liver.

2. Protects Your Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death around the world.  This disease takes more lives than cancer and other diseases combined.

That’s why, protecting your heart is vitally important for your overall health.

One way to protect your heart is by reducing your cholesterol levels.   Amla may do just that.

One study showed that men using Amla saw significant decreases in their cholesterol levels.  This could lead to fewer blockages in your arteries, therefore a reduced risk for a heart attack.

One interesting point should be noted:

When the men in the study stopped using Amla, their cholesterol climbed back to previous levels.

3. Prevents Constipation

There are millions of cases of constipation reported to the doctor every year.  In fact, 15 percent of the population may suffer from chronic constipation.

However, using Amla fruit may ease constipation and promote regularity.  The high fiber content found in Amla, may boost your stool and enable easier elimination from your body.

Studies have also shown that the fiber in Amla may increase stool frequency, therefore preventing constipation issues.

4. Decreased Inflammation

You may know all about inflammation if you’re suffered an injury. It may be protective in nature, and beneficial to your body, in some cases.

However, when inflammation levels don’t decrease, chronic inflammation may occur, which could lead to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Thankfully, though, Amla fruit may lower inflammation, therefore cutting down on your chronic disease risk.

One study showed that Amla was able to reduce the activity of pro-inflammatory molecules, therefore curbing the inflammatory response.

And the antioxidants found in Amla may neutralize free radicals, therefore reducing oxidative stress and inflammation levels.

5. Supports Brain Health

As you get older, you may find your brain function may start to decrease.  You may forget things easily … you may find it hard to concentrate … or you may have slower learning.

That’s because aging may be associated with poor brain function.  However, studies have shown that Amla may improve brain function, therefore protecting your brain health.

Studies have shown the antioxidants found in Amla may reduce molecules that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

The Take Home Message

Amla, otherwise known as Indian gooseberry, is a powerful fruit that may add tremendous benefits to your health.

Packed full of antioxidants, this potent berry may reduce inflammation, cut down on heart disease and diabetes risk, and may even prevent cancer.

Amla is low in calories, packed full of vitamin C and fiber, and other polyphenols that make it a perfect addition to any nutrition plan you may be on.

But there is only one problem with Amla:

It may not be readily found in the US.   That’s why people often turn to Amla powder to get the same health benefits.

Amla powder, which is made by crushing up dried Amla berry, may provide the same concentration of antioxidants and polyphenols that you would find in fresh Amla fruit.

CLICK HERE To Get Your Combination of Oolong Green Tea Leaves + Super Concentrated Amla Powder With Amla Green Tea

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