Amla Powder Nutrition Facts – Amla Green
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Amla Powder Nutrition Facts

Are you looking to improve your health?  Maybe you want to slow down the aging process?

Perhaps you’re simply looking to prevent things like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease from rearing their ugly heads.

Whatever the reason, there is one thing you need to do:

Start using Amla —like right now.

The reason?

Amla powder, which is full of some of the most amazing nutrients the world has ever seen, may improve your health like nothing else can.

It’s stronger than pomegranates (no more juicy samurai protecting your health) … stronger than the infamous Acai berry … even raw blueberries don’t stand a chance against Amla's antioxidant powers.

It’s even stronger than some of the most potent herbs and spices around.  Things like oregano and Turmeric may not even stand a chance against this powerful superfood.

No wonder why it’s considered the “king” of whole food antioxidants.

And that’s just the beginning … there is so much for you to learn young grasshopper …

Nutrition Information 

If you’ve never heard of Amla before, don’t worry, you will be soon.

This superfood is slowly taking the world by storm, surpassing some of the most potent foods on the superfood list.

Amla, often referred to as Indian gooseberry or Amalaki (in Sansrkit), has been used for centuries in places like India, the Middle East, and some Asian countries.

Don’t be fooled by its small, green exterior … this tiny berry packs a punch.

It contains more vitamin C than TWO oranges … it’s loaded with fiber … and it contains more vitamin A and E than most foods around.

Plus it’s low in calories and full of water, omega-3 fats, and ellagic acid … making

it a true superfood in every sense of the word.

Even though this fruit is picked in the autumn, you may be able to purchase fresh fruit or juice in India and sporadically in Indian markets around the US.

It may be very expensive, due to shipping and export costs.

But there is one easy way to get your Amla and enjoy it to.  And that would be by getting Amla powder.

This product, which is made by crushing up naturally-dried Amla fruit, may contain the same antioxidants—sometimes more (due to the sun increases the concentration).

This highly concentrated powder may improve your health, battle inflammation, slow down aging, and even protect against chronic diseases.

And the best part:

You can enjoy it every day.  All you need to do is mix it with hot or cold water, incorporate it into smoothies, or even make into a paste and apply it to your skin and hair.

But there are some issues you do need to consider:

The Issues With Amla 

Even though Amla is very impressive—and could do wonders for your health—there are some issues you need to worry about.

Namely, fungus and pesticides.  Remember when I told you that they were grown in India?

Well, as it turns out, most Amla is grown on an industrial scale, meaning there are lots of different farms and places where it is grown.

And this could lead to different problems.  First, some places may use pesticides to prevent fungus and bugs from destroying the crop.

Most of the time, this pesticide is not cleaned off the fruit before it is processed into a powder, therefore that residue may also be ground up with the fruit.

And that means you’re getting a heaping serving of pesticides, which could disrupt normal functioning in your body.

This could also impact organic farms, depending on the proximity to the crop being dusted with pesticides.

The second major issue you need to deal with is a fungus.   The fungus may grow on Amla berries and is often missed when picked.

And, just like the pesticides, it could easily be ground into a fine powder and ingested by your body.

The next issue you may have to deal with is the price.  Because it is grown in India, the Middle East, or even some parts of Asia, it may cost a lot to ship Amla to the US.

This cost is often reflected in the price of the product, which could keep people from purchasing the powder.

Although there may be issues with some Amla products, not all products have issues.  I will explain more on this in a moment, but first I need you to know …

Nutrient Information:

If you’re looking to improve your health, you’re in luck if you’re using Amla.  This potent fruit is chock full of compounds that keep inflammation down, prevent chronic diseases, and improve your overall health.

Here are some of the compounds you may find in Amla:

Vitamin C—Amla contains a high concentration of vitamin C.  Actually, it contains more vitamin C than two oranges.  Vitamin C may improve your immune system, strengthen your blood vessels, and scavenge free radicals, which could lower inflammation and prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Chromium—this essential nutrient may be extremely important when it comes to weight loss and blood sugar control.  Chromium may reduce insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar levels, which could prevent diabetes.  And since chromium decreases with age, making sure you’re using Amla would be crucial to maintaining adequate chromium levels.

Ellagic Acid--this naturally-occurring substance plays a vital role in your health.  Studies show that ellagic acid may bind to cancer cells, therefore stopping the growth or development of cancer cells.  It is also used to improve mental functioning, and may be a great way to treat age spots on your face and skin.

FiberAmla powder is chock full of fiber, which is good for improving digestion, boosting weight loss, and controlling blood sugar levels.  Studies have also shown that fiber may boost meal satisfaction, which could also contribute to weight loss.

The Take Home Message

Amla, which is another name for Indian gooseberry, is one of the strongest whole-food antioxidants in the world.

It may be stronger than most of the popular superfoods, and could improve your health in leaps and bounds.

But sometimes you can’t find fresh Amla in the US.  That’s why people turn to Amla powder.  This may be as powerful as fresh Amla, and may add tremendous benefits to your health.

It may lower inflammation, boost weight loss, improve heart health, detox your liver, protects your kidneys, improve brain health, prevent diabetes, and may even prevent cancer and protect your thyroid.

This is why including Amla into your dietary plan is vitally important for your health.

If you read this article, and the Amla Powder information impressed you, then you should try Amla for yourself to see what benefits it may provide for you.

Get Super Concentrated Amla Powder Combined With Oolong Green Tea For A Powerful One-Two Antioxidant Punch