About Us
About Us

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 22.
I didn’t know it at the time, but being diagnosed with a life-threatening autoimmune condition was actually the best thing that ever happened to me, because it forced me to rethink my nutritional habits from the ground up.
I followed a low-carbohydrate diet for the first year after diagnosis, and in a short period of time I began to feel terrible. I lost energy. My joints hurt. My muscles were tender to the touch. I was constantly dehydrated.

To make matters worse, eating a low-carbohydrate diet was supposed to make my blood glucose more controllable, but it did the exact opposite – it put me on the blood glucose rollercoaster, and no matter how hard I tried I felt like my blood glucose was simply uncontrollable.
To make matters worse, my insulin use kept increasing over time even though my carbohydrate intake didn’t change. I knew something was wrong, I just didn’t know exactly what.
My Plant-Based Transition
After doing some research, reading books, and attending scientific lectures, I began opening my eyes to the idea of eating a plant-based diet. Given that I used to make fun of vegetarians when growing up, trust me when I say that eating a plant-based diet was a giant stretch for me. But I entered the world of plant-based nutrition with an open mind.
Little did I know that this would become the single greatest decision of my entire life.
Within one week of eating a 100% plant-based diet, I reduced my insulin use by almost 40%, while increasing my carbohydrate intake 6-fold (600%), and gained tremendous amounts of energy.
My muscles felt limber once again, I could return to daily exercise, and my blood glucose control was exceptional (for the first time in my diabetes career). I ate the foods shown below, and loved every minute:

To celebrate how good I felt, in the first year of eating a plant-based diet, I started endurance cycling, and rode my bike more than 6,000 miles. I ate an abundance of bananas, dates, mangoes, papayas, berries, and peaches – foods that were previously considered “out of bounds,” and the more I ate, the better my blood glucose control became.
My Nutritional Biochemistry Doctorate Program
I was very excited by this fascinating scientific experiment underway in my body, so I enrolled in a doctorate program at UC Berkeley to study the subject of Nutritional Biochemistry as a PhD student.

For 5 years, I studied the causes and effects of insulin resistance, the cause of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, and the underlying condition that causes all blood glucose variability. I wrote a PhD thesis on the causes and effects of insulin resistance, and co-authored scientific papers on the subject.
Mastering Diabetes (in the Real World)
After graduating with a PhD, I started Mastering Diabetes, an online group coaching program for people with all forms of diabetes to transition to a plant-based diet for maximum insulin sensitivity.
Over the past few years we have helped thousands of people around the world transform their diabetes health from the ground up using evidence-based nutrition information. We run a group-based coaching program and host an annual online summit that has educated more than 55,000 people around the world.

The Amla Discovery

A few years ago, I came across research on amla (Indian gooseberries) that looked too good to be true. I learned that amla has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide variety of health conditions.
The single most mentioned fruit in all of Ayurveda (an ancient natural medicine practice used in India for the past 5,000 years), amla is a medicinal plant with incredibly effective capabilities to minimize inflammation and reverse chronic disease.
Indian gooseberries have been used for centuries in India to treat respiratory diseases, intestinal inflammation, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, skin inflammatory disorders, skin trauma, and liver diseases. Additionally, amla is the go-to for Indian women to make their hair healthy, long, free from breakage, and keep it from going gray. Even Indian men use amla to keep their hair full and thick.
I also learned how small amounts of amla on a daily basis was more effective than statin medication (with zero side effects), more effective than diabetes medication, and that amla is the single most powerful cholesterol reducing food ever discovered.
This excited me, so I started adding amla to my food, only to find that the taste was TERRIBLE. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t eat even small amounts of powdered amla or drink amla juice because it tasted too sour and was barely palatable. That’s when I came to a profound conclusion:
If amla is the most powerful cholesterol reducing food ever discovered, it’s important to make it taste good otherwise no one will use it.
In addition, amla is notoriously expensive to import to the United States from India, and is often contaminated, with a high crop-to-crop variability. It seemed like there were many obstacles to getting a tasty amla product into the United States, but I was determined to make it happen.
That’s when I decided to dust off my lab coat and start formulating an amla tea that tastes great and has a potent biological effect on reducing blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.
I spent months talking with tea experts, and eventually created Amla Green™ – the world’s first Indian green tea, which combines a super potent 20x amla concentrate with oolong green tea. When I created this product, I was amazed at the flavor, and that small amounts were very effective at combating many chronic diseases.
Amla Green™ is one of the highest quality amla products on the market today, and has been getting rave reviews from hundreds of people that have incorporated it into their daily diet. If you’re interested in experiencing the metabolic benefit of the world’s most powerful antioxidant, give it a try and let us know what you think.
We think you’re going to love it!
Cyrus Khambatta, PhD
Nutritional Biochemistry