Indian Gooseberry Near Me – Amla Green

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You’re going to be amazed by Amla's Indian gooseberry.  Trust me, you want to stick around and read this entire article

Not only am I going to SHOW you how you can improve your health …

I’m also going to show you a secret that’s been improving people’s lives for over 5,000 years.

Are you excited yet?

Well, before you get TOO excited, there is something you should know:

The “secret” that I mentioned before, well, it may not be something that you can get from the local corner store, or even one of those big box stores.

In fact, if you’re looking for this amazing health-boosting secret, your best bet may be to look in small (or even large) Indian marketplaces.

But don’t despair, I am going to give you one other option that could eliminate any worry you may have, while improving your health in the process.

Are you ready?

The Secret To “Fixing” Your Health

If you’re like most people, you may have some sort of health ailment.  It could be arthritis…high blood pressure…out-of-control blood sugar…a little too much weight…or something else that is simply holding you back from living the fullest life possible.

It could have to do with genetics…or your lifestyle…

But, more than likely, it has to do with your diet.  If you’re a person who eats healthy for a short period of time, only to go back to your “old” eating ways, then you’re in trouble.

If you’re a person who hops from one fad diet to another, then you could also be in trouble.

If you’re eating nothing but deep fried foods, processed or boxed foods, and donuts all the time—well, you’re going to be in BIG trouble.

You see, your diet plays a key role in keeping you healthy.   And, if you’ve heard from your doctor that you need to make a change, well, then this is one of the
changes you need to make.

Are you ready for it?

You need to add Amlas Indian gooseberry to your diet.  It’s not the cure-all for everything that you’ve got going on, but it’s something that could impact your health in a variety of ways.

Of course, you still need to: Eat more fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats…and get rid of all the junk…


Adding this one simple food could get you started in the right direction.

Indian gooseberry, also called Amla or Amalaki (in Sanskrit), is a powerhouse of nutrition.  Not only does it contain plenty of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

It contains potent antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and other helpful compounds that could be a godsend to your body.

Oh…and it’s loaded with vitamin C.  This vitamin, which people pop like candy during cold and flu season, is one of the most potent vitamins around.

Not only does it boost your immune system, it also scavenges free radicals that could damage your body and worsen your health.

Seriously, vitamin C is your “knight in shining armor.”

And this has plenty of it!  You would need to eat THREE oranges each day, just to get the same level of vitamin C found in ONE small Indian gooseberry.

I know you’re looking to see what Indian gooseberry can do for your body, and I will share that with you in a moment.

But first, let’s talk about WHERE you can find it...

Unless you have an Indian gooseberry plant growing in your back yard, then there’s a good chance you need to find a place to buy some fresh Indian gooseberry.

Now, if you’re living in almost any Asian country, this would be pretty simple—you can find it anywhere.

But in the US, it’s a little bit different.   Indian gooseberry is not readily available in the US, due to a bunch of different issues,


If you’re living in a big city, you should check your local Indian marketplace, as they may carry this popular berry.

It just may not be readily available.  Your next best option would be to go online and purchase frozen Indian gooseberries.

But there is another option…

Indian gooseberry powder!   Indian gooseberry powder may be a more economical choice for you. Plus, you may be able to purchase Indian gooseberry powder both online, and in specialty Indian stores.

However, you do want to be careful … not all Indian gooseberry powder is created the same.

Low-quality Indian gooseberry powder may not be as strong as others brands. 

The reason?

Depending on where the gooseberries come from, the soil, humidity, pesticides, and water, could lead to variations in the antioxidant profile of the berries being used to make your powder.

This could mean that you’re not getting the strongest, most powerful brand of Indian gooseberry powder out there.

But we have solved that issue  …

The Benefits of Indian Gooseberry

If you’re lucky enough to find Indian gooseberry in your area, then you need to grab it right away.  Not only will this powerful berry improve your health, it will do so pretty quickly.

In fact, doctors who practice Ayurveda, use it to improve heart disease, diabetes, brain function, inflammatory skin conditions, liver health, respiratory illness, and kidney problems.

But it’s not limited to internal health.  Men and woman in India have used Indian gooseberry to naturally improve skin and hair health.

Pretty impressive don’t you think?

The Take Home Message

Indian gooseberry happens to be one of the most powerful superfoods the world has ever seen.

Even if you haven’t heard of it before, this tiny green berry contains more antioxidant power than some of your favorite superfoods.

Where can you find Indian gooseberry by me?  Unfortunately, unless you’re growing your own Indian gooseberry plant in your backyard, it may be very hard to find fresh Indian gooseberry.

You may find fresh, or frozen Indian gooseberry, in small Indian markets, but it may be very expensive.

That’s why most people turn to Indian gooseberry powder, which may be found online.

However, not all powders are created equally.  Some may lack antioxidants, while others may contain fungus or pesticides.

That’s why we came up with a solution.  By partnering with an exclusive grower in India, who specializes in growing ultra-potent Indian gooseberry powder …

We found a way to harness all the antioxidant power of Indian gooseberry so we can help YOU improve your health.

Amla Indian Gooseberry Nearby - Near Me

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