How To Use Amla Powder For Hair – Amla Green

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Amla Powder Can Improve Your Hair.

It can turn brittle, thin hair into long, luscious hair that is the envy of everyone in your office.

It may also keep your scalp conditioned, therefore keeping things like dandruff and dry, flaky, skin at bay.

So how exactly do you use Amla to benefit your locks?

The History Of Amla

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry or Amalaki in Sanskrit, is a very popular berry that is packed with nutrition.

Often found in places like India, the Middle East, and other parts of Asia, Amla is one of the most beneficial fruits out there.

But it’s not just any old fruit…

Like some other foods out there, Amla has often been used as a form of medicine (in Ayurvedia) to ward off common health ailments, like heart disease, diabetes, and skin conditions.

Although there are many practical applications for Amla, it is often recommended that you use it every day in order to give your health a boost.

Amla contains more vitamin C than any other food on the market today.  Plus, it contains other potent nutrients, namely vitamin A and E, ellagic acid, and other powerful antioxidants that have earned it a solid reputation amongst users and doctors alike.

That’s why it’s considered to be the “king” of whole food antioxidants.

Besides the benefits we've discussed, the antioxidant power of Amla has been linked to lower cholesterol and better blood sugar to better brain and gut health.

This tiny fruits innate ability to scavenge free radicals and neutralize them, makes it (and its powerful antioxidants) a much needed addition to your diet.

But it’s not just about the inside of your body that could use the powerful benefits of Amla…

How To Use Amla For Your Hair 

Although there are many different ways to use Amla to improve your health, there are a few ways to use it to improve your hair health.

The most popular way—by making a hair mask—is by far the easiest and most effective way to start using it. 

Although drinking Amla juice, or even using it in oil form, could be effective, the method below is centuries old and helps keep your hair looking and feeling great.

Here is one of the easiest Amla powder for hair recipes around:

Step 1

Add roughly ½ cup of organic Amla powder to a bowl and add ¼ cup of water. 

Step 2

Whisk the water and Amla powder together to make a thin paste.  If too runny, add a little more powder to the mix to thicken it slightly.

(You want to be thin and spreadable, so not too thick and not too runny.)

Step 3

Apply the Amla paste to your DRY hair and massage (in a circular motion) into your hair, roots, and scalp.

Step 4

Pile your hair on top of your head and cover with a plastic shower cap.  For best results, leave in for 15 to 30 minutes (even for 45 minutes).

Step 5

After you’ve waited for 15 to 30 minutes, remove shower cap and rinse hair.  (Water will run clear when Amla mask is completely out).

After you’ve done this last step, you can shampoo your hair as normal.  If, at any point in time during your Amla mask, you feel burning or itching, immediately rinse the mask from your hair.

The Benefits of an Amla Mask For Your Hair

There’s a pretty good chance that you’ve already use Amla powder for you hair at some point.  Some hair care products already contain it so you may have already used it and not even noticed.

1. Hair Growth

If you want long, luscious, and strong looking hair, you may want to consider using a Amla mask.

Studies show that adding an Amla mask to you hair could lead to hair growth.

The reason?  Researchers believe it has to do with the high concentration of vitamin E that is found in Amla.

Vitamin E has been shown to improve circulation, which could promote healing and regeneration of dead hair follicles.

Another study, looking at the same dynamics of Amla showed similar hair regrowth results.

2. Conditions Scalp and Hair

If you have dry skin on your scalp, then an Amla powder mask is for you.  It is rich in water and potent vitamins and minerals, has been shown to condition your skin, leaving your scalp soft and supple.

Not only does this condition your scalp, it can also leave your hair soft and silky.

3. Improves Color of Your Hair

Henna, a type of hair dye, is used by people all over the world to return color and texture to their hair.

And by combining Amla with henna, you may naturally restore hair color and improve the tone of the henna.

4. Prevents Dandruff

From time to time, everyone experiences dandruff.  One reason for dandruff is dry scalp.

But as you have learned already, an Amla mask could go a long way to conditioning your scalp, which could eliminate dry, flaky skin.

This could reduce your chances of developing those little white flakes that land on your shoulders and back.

5. Strengthens Hair

If you suffer from thin, dry, and brittle hair, then an Amla powder mask could really benefit you.

Not only does it help condition you hair, it could increase circulation to your head, which could stimulate hair follicles.

One way it does this is by reducing free radical damage to hair follicles.  By reducing this damage, you could keep your hair follicles healthy.

The Take Home Message

If you want to improve the health of your hair, than including an Amla mask could do the trick.  Packed full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it could be a natural solution to improving dry, brittle, or thinning hair.

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